Personal Training
Achieve your best results possible by working 1-on-1 with one of our expert coaches
How does it work?
-Start with our Movement Screen, in which we assess your stability and mobility joint-by-joint, Strength Assessment, and an Inbody Bodyfat Assessment (if desired) to determine where you're at today.
-From there, build a relationship with one of our coaches. Your coach will put together a personalized training program for you tailored to your needs, which will take the guesswork out of making progress.
-Working with your coach, you'll train in sessions that are up to 60 minutes long. Most frequently we work with personal training clients twice a week.
-Make progress outside the gym with our nutrition, sleep, and stress management support.
-Continue on in personal training, or as your confidence grows and as you build a foundation, you and your coach may decide that our small group personal training is a good fit for your continued progress.
Who is it for?
These are some of the qualities and interests that make people good fits for Personal Training!
You're New to Strength Training
You've never done strength training before and recognize the importance of learning good habits and technique from an expert.
You Have a Focused Goal
You know exactly what you want to achieve- whether that's about performance, weight loss, or something else- and want to move towards your goals in the most focused manner possible.
You Care About Education
You want to create changes in your body, but just as important- you want to build confidence in the gym and learn how to maintain and create those changes on your own.
You're Looking to Make a Comeback
You're returning from time off, an injury, or surgery, and want to make sure that you're building a solid foundation and limiting your risk of injury.
You Value Support and Attention
You want someone to take care of everything for you! You value expert support, accountability, and guidance in achieving lasting changes.
Keys to success
Our most successful personal training clients typically exhibit these qualities:
An Interest in Learning
We can take anyone through a training session that's set-up appropriately for them, but the people who see the most success in personal training aren't just interested in going through the motions, they want to take full advantage of working with an expert coach who they can ask questions and use as a resource.
A Willingness to Work Hard
'Hard' means different things for different people! We're able to figure out what hard should mean for you, based on where you're at today. There are no shortcuts though, and the best results are only achievable through hard work.
Commitment to Making a Change
We look at creating long-term progress over using short-term bandaids. A lifetime of health and wellness only comes from learning life-long skills + habits. Our clients who see the most success tend to hold and maintain this perspective.
What's my investment?
We start out everyone in personal training the same:
Intro Personal Training Package
2 Session Personal Training Full-Body Assessment
Those sessions are up to 60 minutes in length. In those sessions we take you through our movement screen, where we'll look at your range of motion and stability joint-by-joint, our basic strength and movement assessments, Inbody bodyfat assessment (if desired), and possibly other tests that are situation-dependent. You'll still be getting a workout in though!
Once we have a real idea of where you're at today, then we'll be able to give you our best recommendation for what your training should look like moving forward to get you where you want to be.
How do I know which service is right for me?Please reach out! Our sales and membership assistants are experts in helping you find your best fit, and in general our approach to fitness is very discovery-based. As we start to work with you and learn more about you, we'll find the perfect fit to help you achieve what you need to achieve at your pace, with the level of hands-on-help you need, and within your budget.
Can I mix and match services?Absolutely! Our services and memberships are very flexible in helping you find exactly what you need. We'll often have members do a session of personal training every week to focus on their specific needs, and then supplement with our group fitness classes for their general fitness, or have small group personal training members who supplement on the weekends with our flexibility class. Reach out with a consultation and we can help you find your perfect fit.
Can I do my own workout at your gym?Everything we do at both of our locations is instructor-led. This is what we're best at and where we can create the most consistent, safest, and fastest results for people. Because of that, we don't have any 'open-gym' time scheduled at either of our facilities. We have some people who ask if they can do their own workouts to supplement the work they're doing with us- the work we do with people is very comprehensive! Depending on your goals our coaches might assign you homework or recommend you do some additional low-impact steady-state cardio outside of our workouts, but people always get the best results from training when they're resting adequately. If you are interested in an 'open-gym' style gym experience, please reach out- we know some excellent facilities around us that could be a good fit for you!
How many times a week do you recommend training?This largely depends on your exercise history and goals. That being said, if you haven't been working out regularly, we typically recommend starting out training 2x a week. Once you've adapted to training (which could take days to months depending on your age, experience level, and exercise history), we find strength training 3x a week to be a sweet spot for making progress. We typically only recommend training 1x a week to people who are looking to supplement a training/sports program that they're doing outside of our facility. Additional cardio can be helpful depending on your goals. Rest and recovery is an important part of getting stronger!
I'm recovering from an injury/ in physical therapy/ have surgery scheduled/ don't know if I'm fit enough to start working out, what should I do?We've worked with people with all types of injuries and medical histories including but not limited to- people with Parkinson's, MS, ACL tears, rotator cuff tears, currently pregnant, hip + knee replacements, sciatica, tendonitis, etc. We have deep and built out protocols for helping people in a variety of different situations. Typically, what we recommend is not waiting to get started working out. Whatever you may be dealing with- letting your fitness slide will rarely make it easier to deal with, and appropriate movement is often the best medicine. Certainly the more specialized your situation is, the more we recommend a personalized approach to training, at least in getting started. We'll often have people come in to us after a surgery, work with one of our coaches in personal training, and then progress to small group personal training or group fitness classes as they start feeling better and more recovered. We also work closely with our members' physical therapists and other medical practitioners when desired. We want to do everything we can to help you get back to feeling healthy and strong!
I have a crazy schedule, will you be able to accommodate me? Should I wait until things calm down to get started?We offer a variety of services at different timeslots, and certainly as our community grows we want to be able to expand and offer more scheduling options. That being said- a lot of people say that they're going to wait until their schedule calms down to start to focus on their fitness. We know from experience- that's not the way to approach things! If you're in a busy season right now- that's the perfect time to start to work on your health and wellness. We will help you navigate that, and you will know that even when things get crazy, you have the strategies and habits built up to maintain your fitness. On the flip side- if you wait for things to be perfect, you'll delay progress, and anytime things get busy for you again you'll fall off the wagon. This makes it difficult if not impossible to achieve and maintain long-term results. Similarly, we're strong believers in 'take care of yourself first'. Often people will let their own health slide in order to accommodate their families and work responsibilities. We know that without a doubt a fitter, more energetic, and happier version of you will be able to show up more fully for your loved ones, and accomplish more in your career. Don't fool yourself- find the time to take care of yourself first! We're experts at logistics. Reach out and we can help you solve your scheduling issues.
What's the kitchen about?We find one of the biggest issues people have with transforming their bodies and improving their health isn't just exercising and knowing WHAT to eat, but figuring out HOW to make that happen. Juggling work, responsibilities, and family can make it very difficult to eat healthy, even if you know exactly what you should be doing. With our kitchen, we want to help people learn more about that 'how' to manage the logistics of healthy eating, but also to provide an answer to that question by supplying our members with healthy, convenient food. Kitchen services coming soon!

(860) 977-0676